At Core Progression Personal Training, we don’t just help you meet your fitness goals – we provide the laughs, too! With us, sweat is currency and jokes are the complimentary refreshments.
Ever tried catching your breath from an extreme workout routine to the punchline of a joke? Or laughing so hard during a weight loss session that you forgot you were burning calories? Well, buckle up because that’s our special health stew here at Core Progression!
Our professional trainers, who double as stand-up comics, sync their humor to perfect your lunge. Think lung-busting squats paired with side-splitting one-liners. Think being part of our community in Downtown Denver, CO, Arvada, CO, Austin, TX, Boulder, CO & Northglenn, CO.
From athletic training sessions to physical therapy, we make sure each session is more fun than the last. We believe laughter can work wonders on your stomach muscles!
Join us today to start a whole new experience of belly laughs and belly loses. Because at Core Progression, we believe “A day without laughter is a day wasted…and a potential ab not worked out!” Raise the bar on fitness and funny! Come, be a part of our Core family!